Last night, I got a great site for algorithm learning. Hope everyone can enjoy it's content.

Insertion Sorting:
Now let's look at how the Insertion Sort algorithm would work inside a computer. Below is our modified algorithm for sorting a list of numbers.
Insertion Sort Algorithm
This time the steps of our modified algorithm are almost identical to the steps in our card sorting algorithm. We have simply substituted numbers for playing cards and a list of numbers for a hand of cards. The steps below illustrate how the Insertion Sort algorithm works on a computer.

- First, we give the computer a list of unsorted numbers and store them
in an array of memory cells.
- To begin the sort, the computer divides the sorted and unsorted sections
of the list by placing a marker after the first number. To sort the
numbers, it will repeatedly compare the first unsorted number with the
numbers in the sorted section. If the unsorted number is smaller than
its sorted neighbor, the computer will swap them.
- The first number in the unsorted section is 8, so the computer compares
it with the number to the left. Since 8 is greater than 7, these numbers
do not need to swapped and the computer simply advances the marker one
position. Notice that only one comparison was needed to sort the 8.
- Now the first number in the unsorted section is 5. 5 is less than
8, so the computer swaps these numbers.
5 is also less than 7, so the computer swaps these numbers as well.
Now 5 is in the correct order, so the computer advances the marker one position. This time two comparisons and two swaps were needed to sort the number.
- Now the first number in the unsorted section is 2. 2 is less than
8, 7, and 5, so after three comparisons and three swaps, 2 arrives at
the correct sorted position, and the computer advances the sort marker.
- Now the first number in the unsorted section is 4. 4 is less than
8, 7, and 5 but it is not less than 2. This time the computer performs
four comparisons and three swaps to put the 4 in the correct order.
Only three swaps were needed since the 2 and the 4 did not need to be
switched. After these comparisons and swaps, the computer advances the
sort marker.
- Now 6 is the first number in the unsorted section. After three comparisons
and two swaps, the computer places the 6 in the correct position between
5 and 7. Notice that the computer did not need to compare the 6 with
the 2 or the 4 since it already knows these numbers are less than 5.
Once the computer finds a number in the sorted section less than 6,
it knows it has found the correct position for 6 and it can advance
the sort marker.
- The final unsorted number is 3. To find the correct position for 3,
the computer must compare it with every number in the unsorted section.
However, only five swaps are required since the first number (2) is
less than 3. After moving 3 to the correct position and advancing the
sort marker, the Insertion Sort is complete since the unsorted section
is empty.
Very Helpfull.Tnx