Sunday, November 19, 2017

Lombok does not work for Eclipse Neon. How to solve this issue?

In your eclipse.ini, add the following section
It can solve your issue.
Antoniolazaro has given another solution for Eclipse Neon issue on MacOS
When I put the complete path, it works on Mac Os.

Resource Link:

And the lombok project owner rzwitserloot has given 3 suggestions for checking
  1. Can you give us the complete path, from root, of your eclipse install? Starting with 1.16.14, the installer should still find eclipse even with the funky paths that the OOM installer comes up with. I have no idea why the installer isn't finding your eclipse automatically, here. I can't reproduce this on my mac.
  2. The lombok uninstaller has the same 'find eclipses' capability as the installer. Mac doesn't have a registry and we aren't going to dump a bunch of crud in your homedir just to keep track of where we installed your lombok; we like it that way: No cruft. So, that part (that the uninstaller can't find a custom-install location and requires you to again specify it) is not a bug.
  3. You still have to add lombok.jar to your project as a dependency same as any other third party dependency (something like guava, for example). It's not clear from your problem description if you actually did that.

Resource Link:

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