Friday, June 28, 2019

Mid Level Interview Questions

  1. Singleton, Young and old generation garbage collection, Make 2 HTTP request with completable future and merge 2 response. give some code to fix it
  2. Redis related - is it persistent? 
  3. master-slave Redis cluster - if data missed in master what it will return
  4. different HTTP method and how it used?
  5. what is the purpose of the OPTION method?
  6. is restful API state-full or stateless? and why?
  7. is singleton thread safe or not? how to make it threadsafe?
  8. serialization? where it used?
  9. if any class have 5 property and if they want to make 4 property serialized, how can I do it?
  • What is synchronization?
  • Recursion related multiple issue understanding and related code optimization.