Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Career Consultancy from Niaz Ahmed Bhai

Which training we should required in Bangladesh?

১। আপনি 10 Minute School এর ভিডিও দেখুন। 

 ২। ডেইলি কমপক্ষে ১ ঘন্টা পড়াশুনা করতেই হবে, Great Leaders are Great Readers, Learners are the Earners. 

 ৩। সেলসের ট্রেনিং করতে হলে, Razib Ahamed স্যারের কর্মশালায় যান। 

 ৪। নিজের অসম্ভব পটেনশিয়ালিটি খুজে পেতে Ghulam Sumdany ভাইয়ের ট্রেনিং করুন।

 ৫। ইংরেজি শিখতে হলে Md.Jamal Uddin ভাইয়ার কৌশল আমার ভালো লাগে। 

৬। সাপ্লাই চেইনের জন্য CSCA, CSCM, PGD করতে পারেন Mind Mapper থেকে। 

 ৭। লীডারশীপ ট্রেনিং এর জন্য Quazi M. Ahmed, Jishu Tarafder স্যারের ট্রেনিং করুন। 

 ৮। Communication এর ট্রেনিং এ আমার Rushdina Khan আপুকে ভালো লাগে। 

৯। KPI শিখতে হলে আছেন Mostafa Kamal ও Rupak Zaidi স্যার। 

১০। এইচ আর ট্রেনিং এ Tahseen Zakaria স্যারকে ভালো লেগেছে। 

 ১১। প্রজেক্ট ম্যানেজমেন্টে Shamima Begum Ratna ম্যাম আমার কাছে সেরা। কোয়ালিটি রিলেডেট ট্রেনিং ও তার প্রতিষ্ঠান থেকে করানো হয় যা কিনা RMG সেক্টরে কাজে দেয়। 

১২। HR, KPI, KRA, TOT এই ট্রেনিং গুলো আমি Parveen S. Huda ম্যাডামের কাছ থেকে করেছিলাম। 

১৩। মটিভেশনাল ট্রেনিং এর জন্য আমার পছন্দ Mashahed Hassan Simanta 

১৪। এক্সেল, পাওয়ার পয়েন্টের জন্য আনোয়ার হোসেন ভাই ও Sohom Raabid স্যার। অনেকের নাম হয়তো বলতে পারছি না বা মনে করতে পারছি না। তবে সবাই ভালো, সবাই সেরা।

Copied from Linkedin post of Niaz Ahmed

Suggestions for Juniors


I have completed my BSc from KUET. Though my background is not CSE but am very much interested to join IT sector mainly JAVA related software company. I have also completed a six month training from LICT Top Up IT based on advanced Java and J2EE. I have also very good knowledge about Java,J2EE,Hibernate, Spring framework, SQL and also developed Web based application by using J2EE. Sir, please give me a suggestion How can i developed my career as a Java developer.


Hello Mr. N,

Coding or programming is not rocket science. Anyone can swim in this area, if he has proper dedication.

1. For Java/J2EE, you can take an exam of SCJP/OCJP(Oracle certified Java Programmer). It will promote you.

2. You can upload your daily project task in Github. It will make your position better.

3. As you are not CSE grad, you should study "software engineering".

4. You can also learn "soft skills" and algorithms. You can also solve problems in various programming community(HackerRank, UVA online Judge) etc.

Enjoy your journey. Good Luck.

Installing VLC Media Player in Debian, Ubuntu and Linux Mint

Open terminal and run the following 3 commands.

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:videolan/stable-daily
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install vlc

Resource Link: https://www.tecmint.com/install-vlc-player-in-ubuntu-debian-linux-mint/


Monday, July 17, 2017

Selection Sort Algorithm with Pictorial View

how the Selection Sort works, let's see how the computer would perform this sort with numbers. Below is our modified algorithm for sorting a list of numbers.

Selection Sort Algorithm
  1. Get a list of unsorted numbers
  2. Set a marker for the unsorted section at the front of the list
  3. Repeat steps 4 - 6 until one number remains in the unsorted section
  4.    Compare all unsorted numbers in order to select the smallest one
  5.    Swap this number with the first number in the unsorted section
  6.    Advance the marker to the right one position
  7. Stop
Again our modified algorithm is almost identical to our card sorting algorithm. We only needed to substitute numbers for playing cards and a list of numbers for a hand of cards. One other slight change is that steps 4 and 5 of the Selection Card Sort have been combined. This is typical since a computer will usually keep track of the smallest number while it compares all the numbers. The steps below illustrate how the Selection Sort algorithm works on a computer.

  1. First, we give the computer a list of unsorted numbers and store them in an array of memory cells.

  2. To begin the sort, the computer divides the sorted and unsorted sections of the list by placing a marker before the first number. To sort the numbers, the computer will repeatedly search the unsorted section for the smallest number, swap this number with the first number in the unsorted section, and update the sort marker.

  3. To find the smallest number in the unsorted section, the computer must make six comparisons: (7 < 8), (7 > 5), (5 > 2), (2 < 4), (2 < 6), and (2 > 3). After these comparisons, the computer knows that 2 is the smallest number, so it swaps this number with 7, the first number in the unsorted section, and advances the sort marker.

  4. Now five more comparisons are needed to find the smallest number in the unsorted section: (8 > 5), (5 < 7), (5 > 4), (4 < 6), and (4 > 3). After these comparisons, the computer swaps 3, the smallest number in the unsorted section, with 8, the first number in the unsorted section, and advances the sort marker.

  5. This time four comparisons are needed to determine that 4 is the smallest number in the unsorted section: (5 < 7), (5 > 4), (4 < 6), and (4 < 8). After these comparisons, the computer swaps 4 with 5 and then advances the sort marker.

  6. After three more comparisons, the computer identifies 5 as the smallest unsorted number: (7 > 5), (5 < 6), and (5 < 8). Then the computer swaps 5 with 7 and advances the sort marker.

  7. This time only two comparisons are needed to determine that 6 is the smallest number: (7 > 6) and (6 < 8). After these two comparisons, the computer swaps 6 with 7 and then advances the sort marker.

  8. Now we only need a single comparison to find the right position for 7: (7 < 8). Since 7 is the smallest number and it is also the first number in the unsorted section, the computer does not need to swap this number. It only needs to advance the sort marker. Now there is only one number in the unsorted section, so the list of numbers is sorted and the Selection Sort algorithm is complete.

     Resource Link: https://courses.cs.vt.edu/csonline/Algorithms/Lessons/SelectionSort/index.html