Sunday, January 6, 2019

null vs undefined vs not exists objects in react native

Check the property existence
Fortunately, JavaScript offers a bunch of ways to determine if the object has a specific property:
  1. obj.prop !== undefined: compare against undefined directly
  2. typeof obj.prop !== 'undefined': verify the property value type
  3. obj.hasOwnProperty('prop'): verify whether the object has an own property
  4. 'prop' in obj: verify whether the object has an own or inherited property
My recommendation is to use in operator. It has a short and sweet syntax. in operator presence suggests a clear intent of checking whether an object has a specific property, without accessing the actual property value.

I have also got clarification from [Arup Hore] answer here:
Please read the following carefully. It shall remove all your doubts regarding the the difference between null and undefined in JavaScript. Also you can use the utility function given below to exactly determine types.
In JavaScript we can have following types of variables.
  1. Undeclared Variables
  2. Declared but Unassigned Variables
  3. Variables assigned with literal undefined
  4. Variables assigned with literal null
  5. Variables assigned with anything other than undefined or null
Following explains each of these cases one by one
  1. Undeclared Variables: Following holds true for undeclared variables
    • Can only be checked by typeof() which returns string 'undefined'
    • Cannot be checked with == or === or by if or conditional operator ? (throws Reference Error)
  2. Declared but Unassigned Variables
    • typeof returns string 'undefined'
    • == check with null returns true
    • == check with undefined returns true
    • === check with null returns false
    • === check with undefined returns true
    • if or conditional operator ? returns false
  3. Variables assigned with literal undefined: These variables are treated similarly as the Declared But Unassigned Variables.
  4. Variables assigned with literal null
    • typeof returns string 'object'
    • == check with null returns true
    • == check with undefined returns true
    • === check with null returns true
    • === check with undefined returns false
    • if or conditional operator ? returns false
  5. Variables assigned with anything other than undefined or null
    • typeof returns one of the following strings: 'string','number','boolean','function''object','symbol'
Following provides the algorithm for correct type checking of a variable:
  1. Check for undeclared/unassigned/assigned with undefined using typeof. return if string 'undefined' is returned.
  2. Check for null using ===. return 'null' if true.
  3. Check for actual type using typeof. return type if not equal to 'object'
  4. Call to determine actual object type. It shall return a string of type '[object ObjectType]' for all the built in Javascript or DOM defined Objects. For user defined objects it returns '[object Object]'
You can also use the following utility function for determining types. It currently supports all ECMA 262 2017 types.
function TypeOf(o,bReturnConstructor)
   if(typeof o==='undefined') return 'undefined'
   if(o===null) return 'null'   
   if(typeof o!=='object') return typeof o

     //Value types:4
     case '[object Number]': type='number';break;
     case '[object String]': type='string';break;
     case '[object Boolean]': type='boolean';break;
     case '[object Date]': type='date';break;

   //Error Types:7
     case '[object Error]': type='error';break;
     case '[object EvalError]': type='evalerror';break;
     case '[object RangeError]': type='rangeerror';break;
     case '[object ReferenceError]': type='referenceerror';break;
     case '[object SyntaxError]': type='syntaxerror';break;
     case '[object TypeError]': type='typeerror';break;
     case '[object URIError]': type='urierror';break;

    //Indexed Collection and Helper Types:13
     case '[object Array]': type='array';break;
     case '[object Int8Array]': type='int8array';break;
     case '[object Uint8Array]': type='uint8array';break;
     case '[object Uint8ClampedArray]': type='uint8clampedarray';break;
     case '[object Int16Array]': type='int16array';break;
     case '[object Uint16Array]': type='uint16array';break;
     case '[object Int32Array]': type='int32array';break;
     case '[object Uint32Array]': type='uint32array';break;
     case '[object Float32Array]': type='float32array';break;
     case '[object Float64Array]': type='float64array';break;
     case '[object ArrayBuffer]': type='arraybuffer';break;
     case '[object SharedArrayBuffer]': type='sharedarraybuffer';break;
     case '[object DataView]': type='dataview';break;

    //Keyed Collection Types:2
     case '[object Map]': type='map';break;
     case '[object WeakMap]': type='weakmap';break;

    //Set Types:2
     case '[object Set]': type='set';break;
     case '[object WeakSet]': type='weakset';break;

    //Operation Types
    case '[object RegExp]': type='regexp';break;
    case '[object Proxy]': type='proxy';break;
    case '[object Promise]': type='promise';break;

    case '[object Object]': type='object';
             if(bReturnConstructor && o.constructor) type=o.constructor.toString().match(/^function\s*([^\s(]+)/)[1];
        type=type.split(' ')[1]

    return type 

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